Privacy Policy (Policy guidelines relating to Privacy) of this website

 These guidelines of conduct apply to the website (the “Website”).

The programmatic lines of conduct relating to Privacy (the “Privacy Policy”) refer to the processing of personal Data carried out by GIAR Energy S.r.l. Società Benefit (Titolare del trattamento) on the Website on the occasion of the visit to the Website and the interaction of Users with the services and functions of the Website itself.

The Privacy Policy was drawn up in accordance with Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted on May 17th 2001 by the Working Group for the Protection of Personal Data Art. 29 in relation to the minimum requirements for online data collection in the European Union, and also represents information for interested parties pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (the “Privacy Regulation”).

The Privacy Policy specifies the identity of the Data Controller who controls and manages the personal information collected and processed through the Website, indicates which personal information is collected and the purposes, methods of processing, the scope of communication to third parties, security measures adopted in order to protect and safeguard the User’s personal Data and the ways in which the User can verify the processing of data concerning him and exercise the rights recognized by the Privacy Regulation.

 The Data Controller

The Data Controller is GIAR Energy S.r.l. Benefit Company, with operational headquarters in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) in Via Pomezia n. 8, in the person of the pro tempore legal representative, electively domiciled, for the provisions of the aforementioned Regulation, at the writer’s office and who can be contacted for the purposes of the Regulation at the dedicated e-mail

 The Personal Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller has not appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer, as at present it is neither mandatory nor indispensable.

 The legal conditions of the processing

As part of our commercial activity, your personal Data collected through the Website will be processed in compliance with the general principles of lawfulness, necessity, correctness, relevance and non-excess.

When necessary, pursuant to the Privacy Regulation, the User’s consent is required before proceeding with the processing of personal Data.

 The nature and the type of the data collected and processed

Browsing the Website does not in itself involve the provision of personal Data, but the collection of the same is necessary in filling in the forms on the Website (currently only the Contact form).

The Data Controller collects and processes the personal Data compulsorily provided by the User when filling in the present forms: identification data, contact details, as well as a free-to-write field for forwarding a message of interest.

In the specific sections of the Website where the data is collected, there is a link that refers to this information document, drawn up pursuant to Art. 13 of the Privacy Regulation.

The Data Controller also deals with the so-called Users’ navigation data, i.e. data whose transmission to the Website is implicit in the operation of the IT systems responsible for managing the Website and in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet, for example domain names of the computers used by Users who connect to the Website and other parameters relating to the type and IT operating system.

 The management of “cookies”

The Website uses “cookies” for specific and limited purposes, that is to say in order to offer the User an easier navigation on the Website, as specified in the specific “Cookies Policy”, which is sent for consultation.

Cookies are small data files that are installed on your computer’s hard drive, which obviously allow us any type of control over your computer or access to your personal Data.

The Data Controller does not have any type of access or control over the cookies present on third party websites that may be accessible from the Website, therefore declines any related responsibility in this regard and invites you to read the Privacy Policy of the third party websites to which you access in order to to know how your data is collected and processed.

The Help section of the toolbar in most browsers indicates how to avoid the browser itself from receiving cookies, how to obtain notification from the browser that a new cookie has been received or how to completely disable the installation of cookies.

Disabling cookies may limit the possibilities of using the Website and prevent the User from fully benefiting from the Website’s features and services.

 The purposes of the processing

The data are collected and processed with the sole purpose of providing the User with the requested information (by e-mail) and possibly, based on the User’s interest, further detailed information.

The navigation data are processed exclusively for statistical purposes on access and use of the Website and for the purpose of monitoring the correct functioning of the Website itself, in case of computer crimes against the Website or carried out through the Website such data could be used for the purpose of ascertaining any liability.

 Obligation to provide data

For the correct management of the User’s requests and to be able to provide the requested information, we absolutely need to detect all the necessary information in the published form. Failure to provide the aforementioned data will not allow us to be able to provide you with what is requested.

 The methods of treatment

The personal Data provided voluntarily by the User are processed by means of our computer system, recorded on computer media protected with appropriate security measures.

The information systems and computer programs are configured by minimizing the use of personal and identification data not necessary for the specific processing purposes pursued.

 The period of retention

The processed data will be stored in our computer archive for as long as necessary on the basis of the requested Services, provided the requested information the data may be kept for a maximum of 6 months, unless your express request to delete them before this deadline.

 The place where the personal Data collected are stored

The personal Data collected will be stored and processed through an electronic system managed by the Data Controller, which can also be located at external Server Farms (in European territory), to know the timely allocation of the data it is sufficient to send a specific request to the Data Controller.

 Scope of communication of personal Data

The Data Controller communicates the User’s personal Data within the limits and in the manner specified in this document, in any case in full compliance with the Consent expressed by the User on the occasion of data collection, if necessary under the Privacy Regulation.

Your personal Data will be accessible within the corporate organization of the Data Controller only to people who need to know them in relation to their duties and as Authorized Persons for processing.

Your personal Data may also be disclosed to Third Parties, as they are legitimate recipients of communications required by law or regulations, who will process them as Data Controllers or Managers, as the case may be.

The complete and updated list of any appointed data processors is available to you from the Data Controller, upon simple request.

Your personal Data will in no case be disclosed to third parties for promotional purposes and will not be disclosed in any way, nor will it be transferred to any foreign country or international organization.

Your rights as an Interested Party

We inform you that, as an Interested Party, you have all the rights provided for by the Privacy Regulation: Art. 15 (Right of Access), Art. 16 (Right to Rectification), Art. 17 (Right to Cancellation), Art. 18 (Right to Limitation of processing), Art. 20 (Right to data portability), Art. 21 (Right of Opposition).

You also have the right to withdraw the Consent given to the processing of data at any time, the withdrawal takes effect from the moment we become aware of it and does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the Consent previously given.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor).

In all the cases described, the exercise of your rights will be brought to the attention of those to whom the data may have been communicated, except in the cases of exemption provided for by the Privacy Regulation.

In some cases (cancellation, limitation, opposition) the exercise of your Rights may no longer make it possible, in whole or in part, to provide the Services in your favor.

All the rights described are exercised with a request addressed without formalities, also by e-mail to the Data Controller or to the Personal Data Protection Officer, also through a person in charge, to whom suitable feedback is provided without delay.

This Privacy Policy is subject to updating by the Data Controller, the version published on the Website is the one currently in force.


Document updated as of May 19th 2022.